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Aggregation definition

The aggregation definition document defines reporting periods, variables and output types in aggregation output.

An example of the document contents is given below, for a comprehensive description of all the possible content options see the schema document. Data continuation and abbreviated content expressed as …:

The root level tag contains a reference to the schema document which is used to validate the content of the XML document:

<report_definition xmlns=""

First, you must define the initial date of the simulation (as YYYY-MM-DD) to get meaningful results:


Next, discount rate is defined for outputs that needed discounting, such as net present values of income from harvests etc.:


Reporting periods can contain a number of periods of given length. Period units can be one of: year, month, day:


Single report definition can include multiple reports. The syntax for defining the reported variables is similar to optimization task subobjective and constraint syntax (see: Defining expressions for constraints and sub objectives). Below is an example of a very simple report, where harvest volumes from years 1..3 are reported. Note that period counting begins from 1, and the last period has a special indicator -1. You can of course indicate the last period with its direct ordinal number; i.e., for a 30 year simulation the last period is 30:


Reported values can be also grouped by given variable values, such as in:


Here is another example of result grouping (the results will be reported as precentage instead of values, since proportion is set to true).:


It’s also easy to give conditions to certain values, though in that case, it should in most cases be given to all the values so that the expression doesn’t fail:

         <expression>avg[1:-1](comp_unit:Age[iteration eq 0] * comp_unit:AREA[iteration eq 0])</expression>

NOTE! The conditions do not work at the moment as they should (and like in expression output and optimization task)!!!

Report definition has a small extension to optimization task syntax for calculating weighted averages:

         <expression>wavg[1:-1](comp_unit:Age, comp_unit:AREA)</expression>

The aggregation expressions can be more complex as in optimization tasks:

            sum[1:60](operation:cash_flow:discount) +
            sum[60:60](comp_unit:PV:discount * comp_unit:AREA) +
            sum[60:60](comp_unit:PV_land:discount * comp_unit:AREA)