.. _caller-py: ######### caller.py ######### :: >>> from minimock import Mock ********************* class Caller(object): ********************* Super class of all model and table caller classes Attributes: - _type: caller type as string - _model: model / table instance - _params: parameter instance - _sim: simulator instance - _depth: current task depth as integer def __init__(self, callertype): =============================== Initialize caller:: >>> from simo.simulation.caller.caller import Caller >>> caller = Caller('test-type') >>> caller._sim = Mock('Simulator') >>> caller._type 'test-type' def execute(self, model, params, sim, depth): ============================================= Placeholder for subclass implementations. def add_error(self, errorstr): ============================== Log error message:: >>> errorstr = "test error message" >>> caller.add_error(errorstr, None, None) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Called Simulator.add_error('test-type caller: test error message', None, None) def add_warning(self, warnstr): =============================== Log error message:: >>> warnstr = "test warning message" >>> caller.add_warning(warnstr, None, None) Called Simulator.add_warning( 'test-type caller: test warning message', None, None)