.. _cashflowtable-py: ################ cashflowtable.py ################ :: >>> from simo.builder.modelbase.modelbase import ModelbaseDef >>> tdf = open('../../simulator/xml/schemas/Typedefs_SIMO.xsd') >>> typedef = tdf.read() >>> tdf.close() >>> sf = open('../../simulator/xml/schemas/cash_flow_table.xsd') >>> schema = sf.read() >>> sf.close() >>> xml = u''' ... ... ... ... ... PRICE_REGION ... comp_unit ... ... ... assortment ... within-operation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 160 370 55 ... 2 1 1 160 400 56 ... 2 1 1 160 430 58 ... 2 1 1 160 460 60 ... 2 1 1 160 490 60 ... 1 1 2 70 300 20 ... 2 1 2 70 300 20 ... 1 2 2 70 300 20 ... 2 2 2 70 300 20 ... 1 3 2 70 300 20 ... 2 3 2 70 300 20 ...
... ...
''' >>> mb = ModelbaseDef(typedef) >>> mb.schema = ('cash_flow_table', schema) >>> try: ... mb.xml = ('testxml', xml, None, '', 'cash_flow_table') ... except ValueError, e: ... e.message 'errors in xml to object conversion' >>> mb.errors # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE set(["No lexicon set when validating variable for cash flow table collection 'testxml'", "No lexicon set when adding model for cash flow table collection 'testxml'"]) >>> class Lexicon(object): ... def __init__(self): ... self.models = {} ... def get_variable_ind(self, level, var, active=False): ... return (1, 1) ... def get_level_ind(self, level): ... return 1 ... def add_model(self, mtype, mname): ... if mtype not in self.models: ... self.models[mtype] = set() ... self.models[mtype].add(mname) >>> mb.xml = ('testxml', xml, Lexicon(), '', 'cash_flow_table') >>> mb.xml['cash_flow_table']['testxml'][:17] u'>> mb.errors set([]) >>> mb.all_ok True **************************** class CashFlowTable(object): **************************** Class for cash flow tables used in operations:: >>> cf = mb.obj['cash_flow_table']['testxml']['timber_prices'] >>> cf.classifiers # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'PRICE_REGION': , 'assortment': } >>> cf.classifier_order ['PRICE_REGION', 'assortment'] >>> cf.keycount 1 >>> cf.persist True >>> cf.db_cfiers ['assortment'] def __init__(self, ns, elem, validator, dirs): ============================================== Initialize cash flow table def _parse_base(self, ns, elem, validator): ============================================ Parse the classifiers used in the cash flow table as well as the table data: def _get_trend(self, date): ============================ Set currently active trend, None if no active trends def _adjust_table(self, trend, date): ====================================== Adjust cash flow table values with the current trend ******************** class Trend(object): ******************** Class for cash flow table time trends Attributes: - start: date object - end: date object - classifiers: dictionary of classifier objects - keycount: number of classifiers as integer - classifier_order: classifier order as list of integers - factor_array: trend factors in a numpy array - factor_dict: trend factors in a dictionary def _parse_trend(self, ns, elem, validator): ============================================ Parse trend element into Trend object:: >>> from lxml import etree >>> from simo.builder.modelbase.cashflowtable import Trend >>> trendxml = u""" ... ... ... 2000-01-01 ... 2001-01-01 ... ... ... ... SP ... stratum ... ... ... ... 1 1.1 ... 2 1.2 ... 3 1.3 ... ... """ >>> elem = etree.fromstring(trendxml) >>> ns = "" >>> tr = Trend(ns, elem, mb) >>> tr.start datetime.date(2000, 1, 1) >>> tr.end datetime.date(2001, 1, 1) >>> tr.factor_array array([[ 1. , 1.1], [ 2. , 1.2], [ 3. , 1.3]]) >>> sorted([(k, '%.1f' % v) for k, v in tr.factor_dict.items()]) [('1', '1.1'), ('2', '1.2'), ('3', '1.3')] def adjust(self, date, values, factor): ======================================= Calculate interpolation multiplier based on given date:: >>> import datetime, numpy >>> dt = datetime.date(2005,1,1) >>> vals = numpy.ones(1, dtype=float) >>> factor = 0.05 >>> tr.adjust(dt, vals, factor) array([ 1.25]) **************************** class CashFlowTable(object): **************************** Class for cash flow tables Attributes: - name: cash flow table name - classifiers: dictionary: - keys: classifier indices - values: Classifier objects - keycount: classifier key count - arrays: list of Array objects - Narrays: number of tables (arrays) - active_array: currently active table - trends: list of Trend objects def __init__(self, ns, elem, validator, dirs): ============================================== Parses the XML data into class attributes:: >>> mb.obj['cash_flow_table']['testxml']['timber_prices'] ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> ct = mb.obj['cash_flow_table']['testxml']['timber_prices'] >>> for i, j in ct.classifiers.iteritems(): print i, j ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS PRICE_REGION assortment >>> ct.arrays[0].array array([[ 1., 1., 1., 160., 370., 55.], [ 1., 1., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 1., 2., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 1., 3., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 400., 56.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 430., 58.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 460., 60.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 490., 60.], [ 2., 1., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 2., 2., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 2., 3., 2., 70., 300., 20.]]) >>> keys = ct.arrays[0].dict.keys() >>> keys.sort() >>> for key in keys: ... print key, ct.arrays[0].dict[key] 1:1:1:160:370 55.0 1:1:2:70:300 20.0 1:2:2:70:300 20.0 1:3:2:70:300 20.0 2:1:1:160:400 56.0 2:1:1:160:430 58.0 2:1:1:160:460 60.0 2:1:1:160:490 60.0 2:1:2:70:300 20.0 2:2:2:70:300 20.0 2:3:2:70:300 20.0 def _parse_base(self, ns, elem): ================================ Parses the classifiers used in the cash flow table as well as the table data def _get_trend(self, date): =========================== Set currently active trend, None if no active trends def _check_classifiers(self, cfiers): ===================================== docstring for __check_classifiers def _adjust_table(self, trend, date): ===================================== Adjust cash flow table values with the current trend def set_active_array(self, date): ================================= Set active array and adjust table values with trend:: >>> import datetime >>> dt = datetime.date(2005,1,1) >>> ct.set_active_array(dt) def get_values(self, classifiers, labels): ========================================== Get values from the active array:: >>> ct.get_values([1], [1]) array([ 55., 20., 56., 58., 60., 60., 20.]) >>> ct.get_values([0], [1]) array([ 55., 20., 20., 20.]) >>> ct.get_values([0], [1]) array([ 55., 20., 20., 20.]) >>> ct.get_values([0], [2]) array([ 56., 58., 60., 60., 20., 20., 20.]) >>> ct.get_values([0, 1], [1, 1]) array([ 55., 20.]) >>> ct.get_values([0, 1], [2, 2]) array([ 20.]) def set_values(self, classifiers, labels, values): ================================================== Set values of active array:: >>> ct.set_values([0, 1], [1, 1], numpy.array([65, 66])) >>> ct.active_array.array array([[ 1., 1., 1., 160., 370., 65.], [ 1., 1., 2., 70., 300., 66.], [ 1., 2., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 1., 3., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 400., 56.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 430., 58.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 460., 60.], [ 2., 1., 1., 160., 490., 60.], [ 2., 1., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 2., 2., 2., 70., 300., 20.], [ 2., 3., 2., 70., 300., 20.]])